


2018-12-29 14:32:47作者:中国诗文外译 | 来源: 中诗网| 阅读:次
栏目顾问何功杰、 海外逸士、 李正栓、 任诚刚、 徐英才、王绍昌、岩子(德语)、 赵宜忠、 卓振英、 张智中( 按照音序排名)
栏目编辑: 丹丹(德语)、 黄金珠、 高媛(意大利语)、石 永浩、 薛武、 王磊、 张明彬、 张俊锋、赵佼 按照音序排名)

  编者语:“氤氲化一,乃有天地,天地生生,乃有万物。人居灵性,有智能群,几可造物,然究竟为万物一端,沧海一粟。一我之立,来去倏忽,然高下有别,觉我、知我、扬我、去我、忘我、无我,六境而已”。初识孟祥春老师当缘起于他的这段文字,寥寥数笔,道尽人生虚实,若有幸穿越生命迷雾达于“明月照,路迢迢”之至境,此生无憾也!本期诗文外译栏目特别邀请孟祥春老师,依照《小窗幽记》内在理路精选、翻译其中50则,带领读者踏上别样的诗意之旅,携手清风朗月,在体味人情冷暖、哲思性灵之余另有明澈坦荡与共。张明彬老师的传神朗诵与 格言译文的玲珑凝重、古朴雅致相得益彰,珠联璧合,读者定会从中受益。

译古今 传经典

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Notes of the Quiet WindowExcerpts
Serenity is the key to the disposition of business; humility, safety; tolerance, relationships; and stoicism, peace of mind.
Better to have no slanders in your absence than to have praises in your presence; better to have no boredom with long-standing company than to have fondness from new relationships.
Freedom from fame and fortune is a lesser relief, and enlightenment to life and death a greater relief.
Leave room for others when walking on a narrow lane and lessen the excess of taste for others to enjoy, because moderation is supreme bliss of the earthly world.
(Since all evils will boomerang) Do not disturb the world and stay undisturbed.

· 觉人之诈,不形于言;受人之侮,不动于色。此中有无穷意味,亦有无穷受用。
It is of endless significance and benefit not to speak it out when you are aware of others’ craftiness and not to show your emotions even when humiliated.
· 少言语以当贵,多著述以当富,载清名以当车,咀英华以当肉。
Speaking little is nobility; prolificacy in writing,wealth; moral integrity, a vehicle; the best of writings, meat.
Thinking big necessitates starting small; a high position calls for humbleness.
· 藏巧于拙,用晦而明,寓清于浊,以屈为伸。
Hide your light under a bushel: conceal your dexterity in clumsiness, your brightness in darkness, your purity in impurity, and your getting ahead in yielding.
Aspirations should be lofty and interest aloof from earthly entanglements.
· 志不可一日坠,心不可一日放。
Do not let your aspiration slacken or your mind go astray even for a single day.
An old steed, though near the trough, can still gallop afar, and a crane, even with its wings drooping, still aims high.
Difficulties and situations of gravity try one’s sense of responsibility; ups and downs, one’s breadth of mind; joy and fury, one’s restraint; herd behavior, one’s judgment.
Better to be a fool following the world than a fox of a hero fooling the world.
Control your emotions with forbearance and respond to others’ dispositions with tolerance.

· 澹泊之守,须从秾艳场中试来;镇定之操,还向纷纭境上勘过。
Stoic aloofness is to be tested in the vanity fair, and tranquility of mind by seductive sirens.
Use most of your exertion to make a living and retain some of your naivety to preserve your life.
Giving away, self-discipline, broad-mindedness and initiative help one draw, touch, win over, and lead others.
A single mistake may invite eternal regret and the whole life may be past help.
· 天欲祸人,必先以微福骄之,要看他会受;天欲福人,必先以微祸儆之,要看他会救。
Should Heaven ruin a man, it will make him complacent through a lesser blessing. What makes a difference, therefore, is whether he is worthy of the blessing. Should Heaven make a man prosper, it will warn him through a minor misfortune, and what makes a difference, therefore, is whether he can make a comeback.

It takes real art to remain focused in situations of perplexity and intensity; it takes firm determination to stay composed in situations of emergency and gravity.
People of little worldly desire are doubted by the greedy, and those of integrity hated by the impudent.
Unfillable is the sea of desire and impregnable the fortress of suspicion.
Ignorant of the world from antiquity to modernity or of honor and shame, a person, farmer or scholar, is actually a pathetic beast in human clothing.
·身被名牵,樊笼鸡鹜 心为形役,尘世马牛。
Bound by fame, one will end up like a fowl in a cage;mind enslaved, one will become a laboring ox in the earthly world.

孟祥春苏州大学外国语学院副院长,博士,博士后(合作导师汪榕培教授),翻译系主任,硕士生导师,东吴智库执事,江苏省翻译协会理事,比较文学与跨文化研究会副秘书长,研究兴趣为翻译理论与实践、中国文化与哲学英译与研究、中国文学外译研究以及文艺理论与批评;曾先后赴意大利(2008)、美国(2010,2013)、加拿大(2012,2015-2016)等多个国家进修或访学;发表成果90余项,包括CLCWeb:Comparative Literature and Culture(A&H CI)、Neohelicon(A&H CI)、《外国语》、《中国翻译》等国内外期刊发表学术论文近30篇,报纸翻译与文化专栏评论45篇;出版文学、文化与文论译著9部(其中“鲁迅文学奖”获奖作品《陶渊明的幽灵》英文版The Ecological Era and Classical Chinese Naturalism由Springer出版,John Cob Jr., Scott Slovic, Mary Evelyn Tucker等国际知名学者撰写了序言或推介,《文汇读书周报》《光明日报》《大河报》、作家网等多家媒体有报道);发表散文若干;主持省部级项目多项;担任《文艺理论研究》与《苏州大学学报》等多家核心期刊的英文编辑;承担重要国际会议首席口译一百余场(包括Barry Sharpless以及Michael Kosterlitz等数位诺贝尔奖得主的特邀译员),为美国福尔曼大学、波特兰州立大学、新加坡国立大学等国外大学举办中国文化与哲学英文讲座70余场。