

华章英韵|王阳明《中秋》何功杰英译 ‖第11期

2019-09-21 14:48:12作者:王阳明诗 何功杰 译 | 来源: 中诗网| 阅读:次

王如利(Wang Ruli)
丁立群(Ding Liqun)
   It is universally acknowledged that “People have sorrows and joys, separations and reunions. The moon dims or shines, waxes or wanes”, but still “our emotions change with the circumstances and we have the need for catharsis”. It seems common for people to be influenced by weather, surroundings, and other external factors, whereas the wise with big heart and foresight are “not pleased by external gains, nor saddened by personal losses”. On this Mid-Autumn Festival, the renowned translator Professor He Gongjie will lead us to get some insight into Master Wang Yangming’s enlightening lines: “With a bright moon in my heart n’er waning, / Through the ages we’ll enjoy it round and bright.” The hostesses of Chinese Verse in English Rhymewould also take this opportunity to wish you, our dear readers, to always have light in your heart and live happily together with your beloved ones forever!
Middle Autumn Festival
Written by Wang Yangming
Translated by He Gongjie
It’s cloudy ere it was fine last Moon’s Day,
But this year it’s cloudy all through the night.
Good scene for joy is rare to come across,
And now my head’s covered all with frost white.
With a bright moon in my heart n’er waning,
Through the ages we’ll enjoy it round and bright.
The moon’s glory embraces th’ rivers and land all,
To please heart’s not merely th’ autumn moon light.
  Wang Yangming was infatuated with the bright moon. He always reflected on the philosophical meaning of life on moonlit nights. This poem is a metaphor of life's unpredictable circumstances, joys and sorrows through the contrast between the past and the present Mid-Autumn Festivals. According to the poet, as long as there is light in heart, the whole world will look bright, and if you can embrace the world with big heart and foresight, you will be full of pride and enthusiasm, so that nothing can defeat you. The original poem has seven characters in each line, rhyming on the even numbered lines. The translated poem has ten syllables to each line and adopts the same rhyming scheme as the original.
It is universally acknowledged that “People have sorrows and joys, separations and reunions. The moon dims or shines, waxes or wanes”, but still “our emotions change with the circumstances and we have the need for catharsis”. It seems common for people to be influenced by weather, surroundings, and other external factors, whereas the wise with big heart and foresight are “not pleased by external gains, nor saddened by personal losses”. On this Mid-Autumn Festival, the renowned translator Professor He Gongjie will lead us to get some insight into Master Wang Yangming’s enlightening lines: “With a bright moon in my heart n’er waning, / Through the ages we’ll enjoy it round and bright.” The hostesses of Chinese Verse in English Rhymewould also take this opportunity to wish you, our dear readers, to always have light in your heart and live happily together with your beloved ones forever!

  何功杰安徽大学外语系资深教授,从教近50年,退休后还应聘浙江五所大学教学8年。曾担任安安徽大学外语系研究生导师, 在安大首次开设英诗选读课。在近50年的教学过程中,为英语专业开设过精读、泛读、口语、翻译、英文写作、英国文学、英国20世纪文学、西方文学概论、文学理论、英美诗歌、比较文学、英美文化、英语修辞、英语国家概况等十多门课程。曾两次获教学优秀奖。多次获各种文学奖。其中1991年获首届全国优秀外国文学图书特等奖,连续三次获台湾“梁实秋文学奖”译诗奖。先后出版著译十五、六册,代表作有《英诗选读》(英语版,配有诗歌参考译文),《英语诗歌导读》(英语版),《英语诗歌理解和欣赏指南》(英语版),《英诗艺术简论》,《英语鼎诗选译》,《英美诗歌》等。公开发表论文和散文二十余篇。译诗和诗评曾被前学部委员、英诗名家王佐良教授、《英国使馆文化教育处英语在线》和众多同行学者收编引用和转载。他还曾参与创建安徽大学出版社,并担任第一任社长。入编中国国际交流出版社出版(香港)的《世界名人录》,《中国专家大辞典》。
  He Gongjie is an emeritus professor of English from Anhui University. His teaching career lasted for about 50 years. He was a supervisor of graduate students in Anhui University and continued to teach in five universities even after retirement. He was the first professor to teach English Poetry in Anhui University and also taught many other courses including Reading, Writing, Speaking, Translation, English Literature, Literary Theories, Comparative Literature, etc. He has won the Excellence in Teaching Award twice and many other literature awards, including the First National Prize for Excellent Foreign Literature Books in 1991 and three Liang Shiqiu Literature Awards for poetry translation. His translated poems and comments on poetry were quoted by Wang Zuoliang, the renowned professor of English, and many other scholars. He is the author of 15 books and more than 20 articles and proses. He was also the first president of Anhui University Press. Professor He was inducted into T he World Celebrity Listand T he Dictionary of Chinese Expertspublished by China International Exchange Publishing House (Hong Kong).

主 办:中诗网、译诗群
协 办:月印无心佛教文化平台“太原头条”、大家网、金融街电讯新媒体头条
总顾问 :何功杰、李正栓、张智中、卓振英、黑马
总策划 :周占林、宛城卧龙
主 编:王磊
副主编 :黄金珠、蔡铁勇
编 委:王如利、丁立群、晚枫、王琳、史潘荣、罗晓佳、赵直