


2019-01-16 12:27:30作者: 中诗网| 来源: 中诗网| 阅读:次
栏目编辑:丹丹(德语)、黄金珠、高媛(意大利语)、石永浩、薛武、王磊、张明彬、 张俊锋、赵佼(按照音序排名)

编者语:中国诗文外译第四期中, 孟祥春 老师的《小窗幽记》(五十则之一)凭借对原作的精准诠释,简洁凝练的译语以及自成一家的明快文风给读者留下了深刻印象。英文经典素以 思想为灵魂,世事为躯体,情怀为风骨,简洁为格调 ,英文译文欲达此至境,译者既要有 打破藩篱,知己知彼,吐纳融通,采撷胜处 的深厚学养,还需有 纵自我,任自然 的才情与格局,方成佳译。 在《作英文之法》一文中, 老师认为 英文需从 四炼 ,循 四自 ,求 四有 ,去 四忌 。其中 四炼 : 炼意贵切、炼事贵实、炼情贵真、炼字贵白; 四自 为:自觉生周全、自持生定力、自得生味道,自然生精神;善始终,合法度,妙剪裁,文已半成谓之 四有 ;以古铄今、以中裁洋、以我度人、奉西圭臬,乃作英文之 四忌 ”。 这段文字虽为作英文之“法” , 实则蕴含译艺之“道”。本期诗文外译栏目,我们有幸分享 孟祥春 老师的《小窗幽记》(五十则之二),再次体会其游刃于中文的玲珑凝重与英文的简洁晓畅之间的译功,品味其 吐纳顺畅,气韵悠然 ”的 绝妙译境。伴随张明彬老师的朗诵,我们将再次踏上诗意之旅,感悟生命灵性。

译古今 传经典


Notes of the Quiet Window (Excerpts)
[明]陈继儒 孟祥春
Chen Jiru Tr. Meng Xiangchun

· 喜时之言多失信,怒时之言多失礼。
Words spoken in joy are often not to be honored, and words spoken in anger often come as a social blunder.

· 能脱俗便是奇,不合污便是清。
Freedom from vulgarity is a rarity, and refusal to collude is already purity.

· 情最难久,故多情人必至寡情。性自有常,故任性人终不失性。
Since affection does not last long, an amorous soul will be reduced to a stone-hearted dandy.Sinceself-nature is eternal, a man, however willful, will never lose his self-nature.

· 交友须带三分侠气,做人要存一点素心。
Be a chivalrous friend; be a simple soul.

· 上马横槊,下马作赋,自是英雄本色;熟读《离骚》,痛饮浊酒,果然名士风流。
Being able to fight holding a long spear on horseback, or to compose prose in the study, one can be called a true hero. Well versed in poetry and drinking wine to one’s heart’s content, one can be viewed as a romantic scholar.

· 了心自了事,犹根拔而草不生;逃世不逃名,似膻存而蚋还集。
To calm your mind is to uproot your weedy worldly concerns; to escape from the world but not from fame is to retain an odor that still attracts blackflies.

· 人生待足何时足;未老得闲始是闲。
Since perfection in life never comes, the idleness you have before old age is real idleness.

· 无端妖冶,终成泉下骷髅;有分功名,自是梦中蝴蝶。
All is vanity: beauties will end up a heap of bones in the nether world, and power and fame are but a fleeting dream.

· 富贵之家,常有穷亲戚往来,便是忠厚。
If a rich family welcomes and visits poor relatives, it has sincere generosity.

· 喜传语者,不可与语;好议事者,不可图事。
Never confide in a gossip. Never work with a talkative cynic.

· 人只把不如我者较量,则自知足。
One will feel contented if one compares wisely.

· 隐逸林中无荣辱,道义路上无炎凉。
A life of seclusion is free from glory or disgrace, and a life of social commitment immune to worldly fickleness.

· 闭门即是深山,读书随处净土。
Close your door and you will repose literally in the stillness of a mountain; open your book and you can have a pure land of your own.

· 修净土者,自净其心,方寸居然莲界;学禅坐者,达禅之理,大地尽作蒲团。
By purifying the heart, the Pure Land seeker can transform his narrow mind into a Buddhist realm. Enlightened to chan, the chan quester (practicing in the lotus position) will find the earth to be a rush cushion as well.

· 时清畅,即享片时;半景幽雅,即娱半景;不必更起姑待之心。
Don’t wait for tomorrow. Just enjoy even the briefest moment of idle pleasure and even the most cursory glimpse of the view, if possible.

· 花开花落春不管,拂意事休对人言;水暖水寒鱼自知,会心处还期独赏。
Spring does not care about the blooming or fading of the flowers, and fish know whether the water is warm or cold. So here is nature’s instruction: keep your grievances to yourself, and enjoy your delightful enlightenment in solitude.

· 形骸非亲,何况形骸外之长物;大地亦幻,何况大地内之微尘。
The body is transient, as are worldly possessions; the world illusive, as are its particles.

· 兴来醉倒落花前,天地即为衾枕;机息忘怀磐石上,古今尽属蜉蝣。
Cheerfully drunk, I lie prostrate before the flowers with the vault as my quilt and the earth my pillow; craftiness and desires purged, sitting on the rock, I wake up to the ephemerality of eternity.

· 闲看庭前花开花落,静观漫天云卷云舒。
Living a detached, idle life, why not watch the front yard flowers bloom and wither, or clouds in the sky gather and unfold?

· 人生一世有三乐:开卷读书,闭门修禅,一语济世。士君子贫不能济物,遇人迷障处,出一言点化之,亦为济世济人。
There are three pleasures in life: reading books, practicing chan, and doing good to the world even by a chance remark. A poor scholar’s charity may not consist in almsgiving, but in his lifting others out of bewilderment with words.

· 瘦竹如幽人,幽花如处女。
Thin bamboos are like lean hermits, and flowers in seclusion quiet virgins.

· 春光浓似酒,花故醉人;夜色澄如水,月来洗俗。
The vernal splendor being as mellow as wine, its flowers intoxicate. The shades of dusk being as clear as water, its moon rises to cleanse one’s vulgarities.

· 云烟影里见真身,始悟形骸为桎梏;禽鸟声中闻自性,方知情识是戈矛。
Seeing the unrestrained form of cloud or smoke, one realizes that the body is mere shackles. Knowing one’s self-nature in birds’ warbling, one is enlightened to the destructiveness of human senses.

· 佳思忽来,书能下酒;侠情一往,云可赠人。
A poetic fleeting thought may assist in drinking. Clouds can be given away as gifts when there is an urge of romantic chivalry.

· 江山风月,本无常主,闲者便是主人。
Natural landscape knows no permanent owner, and can be possessed by anyone who has leisure.




孟祥春 苏州大学外国语学院副院长,博士,博士后(合作导师汪榕培教授),翻译系主任,硕士生导师,东吴智库执事,江苏省翻译协会理事,比较文学与跨文化研究会副秘书长,研究兴趣为翻译理论与实践、中国文化与哲学英译与研究、中国文学外译研究以及文艺理论与批评;曾先后赴意大利(2008)、美国(2010,2013)、加拿大(2012,2015-2016)等多个国家进修或访学;发表成果90余项,包括 CLCWeb:Comparative Literature and Culture(A&H CI)、Neohelicon (A&H CI)、《外国语》、《中国翻译》等国内外期刊发表学术论文近30篇,报纸翻译与文化专栏评论45篇;出版文学、文化与文论译著9部(其中“鲁迅文学奖”获奖作品《陶渊明的幽灵》英文版 The Ecological Era and Classical Chinese Naturalism 由Springer出版,John Cob Jr., Scott Slovic, Mary Evelyn Tucker等国际知名学者撰写了序言或推介,《文汇读书周报》、《光明日报》、《大河报》、作家网等多家媒体有报道);发表散文若干;主持省部级项目多项;担任《文艺理论研究》与《苏州大学学报》等多家核心期刊的英文编辑;承担重要国际会议首席口译一百余场(包括Barry Sharpless以及Michael Kosterlitz等数位诺贝尔奖得主的特邀译员),为美国福尔曼大学、波特兰州立大学、新加坡国立大学等国外大学举办中国文化与哲学英文讲座70余场。

